κνισᾶν — κνῑσᾶν , κνῖσα steam and odour of fat fem gen pl (doric aeolic) κνῑσᾶν , κνῖσα steam and odour of fat fem gen pl (epic doric aeolic) κνῑσᾶν , κνισάω fill with the savour of burnt sacrifice pres part act masc voc sg (doric aeolic) κνῑσᾶν ,… … Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)
κνισᾷ — κνῑσᾷ , κνισάω fill with the savour of burnt sacrifice pres subj mp 2nd sg κνῑσᾷ , κνισάω fill with the savour of burnt sacrifice pres ind mp 2nd sg (epic) κνῑσᾷ , κνισάω fill with the savour of burnt sacrifice pres subj act 3rd sg κνῑσᾷ ,… … Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)
κνισῶμεν — κνῑσῶμεν , κνισάω fill with the savour of burnt sacrifice pres subj act 1st pl (attic epic ionic) κνῑσῶμεν , κνισάω fill with the savour of burnt sacrifice pres ind act 1st pl κνῑσῶμεν , κνισάω fill with the savour of burnt sacrifice pres subj … Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)
κνισᾶντι — κνῑσᾶντι , κνισάω fill with the savour of burnt sacrifice pres part act masc/neut dat sg (doric aeolic) κνῑσᾶντι , κνισάω fill with the savour of burnt sacrifice pres subj act 3rd pl (doric) κνῑσᾶντι , κνισάω fill with the savour of burnt… … Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)
κνίση — κνί̱ση , κνῖσα steam and odour of fat fem nom/voc sg (attic epic ionic) κνί̱ση , κνῖσος neut nom/voc/acc pl (attic epic doric) κνί̱ση , κνῖσος neut nom/voc/acc dual (doric aeolic) κνί̱ση , κνισάω fill with the savour of burnt sacrifice pres… … Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)
κνισοῦν — κνίζω scratch fut part act masc voc sg (doric) κνίζω scratch fut part act neut nom/voc/acc sg (doric) κνῑσοῦν , κνισάω fill with the savour of burnt sacrifice pres part act masc voc sg (attic epic doric ionic) κνῑσοῦν , κνισάω fill with the… … Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)
κνισούμενον — κνίζω scratch fut part mid masc acc sg (doric) κνίζω scratch fut part mid neut nom/voc/acc sg (doric) κνῑσούμενον , κνισάω fill with the savour of burnt sacrifice pres part mp masc acc sg (attic epic doric ionic) κνῑσούμενον , κνισάω fill with… … Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)
κνισῆν — κνίζω scratch fut inf act (doric) κνῑσῆν , κνισάω fill with the savour of burnt sacrifice pres inf act (doric ionic) κνῑσῆν , κνισάω fill with the savour of burnt sacrifice pres inf act (epic doric ionic) … Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)
κνισώσας — κνῑσώσᾱς , κνισάω fill with the savour of burnt sacrifice pres part act fem acc pl (attic epic doric ionic) κνῑσώσᾱς , κνισάω fill with the savour of burnt sacrifice pres part act fem gen sg (doric) κνῑσώσᾱς , κνισόω turn into fatty smoke… … Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)
κνίσα — κνίζω scratch aor ind act 1st sg (homeric ionic) κνί̱σᾱ , κνῖσα steam and odour of fat fem nom/voc/acc dual κνί̱σᾱ , κνῖσα steam and odour of fat fem nom/voc/acc dual (epic) κνί̱σᾱ , κνῖσα steam and odour of fat fem nom/voc sg (epic doric… … Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)
κνίσει — κνίζω scratch aor subj act 3rd sg (epic) κνίζω scratch fut ind mid 2nd sg κνίζω scratch fut ind act 3rd sg κνί̱σει , κνῖσος neut nom/voc/acc dual (attic epic) κνί̱σεϊ , κνῖσος neut dat sg (epic ionic) κνί̱σει , κνῖσος neut dat sg κνί̱σει , κνισάω … Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)